Sunday, March 15, 2020

Review Round Up ~ March 15

New Releases:

My Way to You (Creek Canyon, #1)My Way to You by Catherine Bybee

My rating: 4 of 5 stars - Would Recommend to a Friend

Review Copy Provided by Publisher via Net Galley

Catherine Bybee is an author that I go into her books expecting to enjoy them and while My Way To You is different than her previous work, the enjoyment factor is definitely there.

Ms Bybee leans on her own personal experience here to craft a story that emphasize perseverance, strength of character, and finding a figurative port in the storm in an unlikely place.

Parker is a female lead that you can’t help but root for. She is young in years, but has an amazing strength of character that has served her and her siblings well. Colin was the perfect pair for her as he appreciated her strengths and had the maturity to listen and let her lead when needed.

This is a well written book that covers a lot of ground in addition to having a core romantic story. We see great sibling relationships and friendships surround this family that once felt like an island. The supporting cast is fairly small, but that just means I am that much more curious about what happens next in a Canyon Creek. I am hopeful that there will be more books about this group - and a big part of that is wanting to know what comes next for Parker and Colin.


TBR Read:

Burning Up (Flirting with Fire, #1)Burning Up by Jennifer Blackwood

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Free Prime Read

This is a book I picked up for free and really wanted to like but couldn’t quite get there.
The premise is sweet.... girl returns home, reconnects with a high school crush and they fall in love. The issue I had was with execution.
My biggest issue - the editing! There is a paragraph early on that has absolutely no context. It literally pops out of nowhere and left me so confused. There are several other places where it felt like a strong editor would have been useful. Given that this book is approximately 2 years old and being held out as a promo, it seems like the editing issues should have been fixed.
Erin and Jake (our characters) were also a bit flat. I did appreciate Erin’s maturing during the story, but was very confused by Jake. He claimed to want to be a good dad, but almost every time we saw him with his daughter he was letting her leave with someone else.
There also seemed to be a lot of setting things up for future stories for secondary characters, but not enough development to really get to know anyone.
I been excite about this read and while it was entertaining, it wasn’t what I hoped for.


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