We're so excited to share with you the much-anticipated sequel to Dianne Duvall's A Sorceress of His Own! Rendezvous with Yesterday is newest Gifted Ones novel (a prequel to the best-selling Immortal Guardians series) and is available October 17th, 2016 at all major e-retailers! Find out more about this fall must-read below!

The Gifted Ones Book 2
By Dianne Duvall
Publishing Date: October 17, 2016
Special Pre-Order Discounted Price—$4.99
Modern-day bounty hunter Bethany Bennett helps her brother track two fugitives to a forest outside of Houston, Texas. But what should have been a routine apprehension of two bail skippers spirals out of control and ends in violence. After Beth and her brother are both seriously injured, a mysterious figure suddenly looms over her. And, when the smoke clears, Beth finds herself not only in another place, but in another time. As Lord Robert, Earl of Fosterly, attempts to identify and track down the nameless enemy who has been plaguing his lands and people with violence, the most peculiar woman stumbles into his path. Small, vulnerable, yet possessed of a bold, fiery spirit and wicked sense of humor, she persists in dubbing Robert and his men members of something called a medieval reenactment group . . . until she sees his castle and labels herself mad. It seems bounty hunter Bethany Bennett has come to him from the future, bringing with her laughter and chaos, swiftly winning the hearts of his people and inspiring within him a love he thought he would never experience again. But when Robert discovers a way for her to return to her time, will the love they share be enough to keep them together?
Order your copy today!
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Rendezvous With Yesterday Pre-Order Giveaway!
To celebrate the upcoming release and to thank readers who pre-order Rendezvous With Yesterday, Dianne is launching a big Pre-Order Giveaway with multiple prizes, including Amazon Gift Cards, tote bags, signed books, coffee mugs, and more. You can learn more on her website — www.DianneDuvall.com — or fill out the form below to enter to win:https://goo.gl/forms/ FpfskwrHYGXa5xol2
And don’t miss the book that started it all!
A Sorceress of His Own (The Gifted Ones, #1) - http://amzn.to/2azImN6
Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series and The Gifted Ones series. Her books have twice been nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews. Reviewers have called Dianne's books "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly), "extraordinary" (Long and Short Reviews), and "wonderfully imaginative" (The Romance Reviews). Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn't writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she has created in her books. For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit www.DianneDuvall.com. You can also find Dianne online . . . Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Tsū | YouTube | Pinterest | Goodreads | Google Plus
Giveaway Details:
1st Prize— $50 Amazon Gift Card
2nd Prize— $20 Amazon Gift Card
3rd Prize— Signed copies of A Sorceress of His Own and Shadows Strike + swag
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CHARACTER INTERVIEW—Rendezvous With YesterdayThank you for joining me! I’m very happy to be here at E-Reading After Midnight, celebrating the upcoming release RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY, the second book in my new series The Gifted Ones and my first time travel romance. Every time I release a new book, I like to introduce readers to the characters they’ll find in it via character interviews. While many authors interview their characters themselves, I prefer to let my characters interview each other . . . which poses a bit of a challenge for me this time. The bulk of RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY takes place in 13th century England, and men and women in the Middle Ages didn’t interview each other for e-newsletters. So I’ve decided to let Sheldon (a popular human in my Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series) interview Marcus, a powerful Immortal Guardian who also happens to appear in RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY as a mortal teenaged squire.Sheldon: Hey, man. I know you’re busy, so thank you for taking the time to do another interview.Marcus: Of course. Although, I admit I’m a bit puzzled. We’ve already done a few of these to make the humans who work for us at The Network feel more at ease around us. Did the other interviews not help?Sheldon: They helped a lot, actually. But—as you know—there have been some incidents at The Network recently that . . . how should I put this . . .Marcus: Scared the hell out of the mortals?Sheldon: Yeah. Pretty much.Marcus: I can understand that. Especially since they suffered some losses.Sheldon: Exactly. So we’re starting the interviews up again. And Marcus, when it comes to Immortal Guardians that fascinate the mortal employees the most, Seth is first on the list, but you are a very close second.Marcus: *beleaguered sigh* Gee, I wonder why?Sheldon: *laughs * Dude. You have to admit your background is pretty usual. And I’m not talking about the whole immortal thing. I’m talking about—Marcus: Bethany.Sheldon: YesMarcus: I don’t know why everyone feels they need to pry into my past so often.Sheldon: Come on, man. She traveled through time! You actually met a woman eight hundred years ago who was from this century. What was that like?Marcus: *smiles* Well, if I were to coin one of your phrases, I would say it kicked ass.Sheldon: *laughs* I’ll bet it did. You were still mortal when you met her, weren’t you?Marcus: Yes. It was the year 1203, I believe. And I was squiring for Lord Robert, the Earl of Fosterly.Sheldon: According to rumor, you loved Robert like a brother.Marcus: I did indeed. He was an honorable man, through and through. A fierce fighter, who could only be bested by his older brother, Dillon. And a bit of a forward thinker for a man of his time. But then his brother Dillon was, as well, thanks to his longtime association with gifted ones.Sheldon: Okay, for the newbies at the network, would you explain what a gifted one is?Marcus: Of course. Gifted ones are men and women who were born with advanced DNA that lends them special talents or abilities that ordinary humans lack, such as telepathy, telekinesis, the ability to heal with one’s hands and the like.Sheldon: You were a gifted one before you became immortal. What gift were you born with?Marcus: The ability to see ghosts.Sheldon: That is so freaking creepy.Marcus: Yes, it is.Sheldon: Did Robert know?Marcus: No. Like many gifted ones of that era, I hid my gift.Sheldon: Even from Bethany?Marcus: Even from Bethany.Sheldon: So how did you meet her?Marcus: A mysterious enemy had been plaguing Robert’s lands with violence. Robert left one day to consult a neighboring nobleman and—when he returned a few days later—Beth was with him.Sheldon: What was she like?Marcus: She fascinated me. She was small, but strong. Brave. Fierce. As fierce a fighter as Robert. *grins* She was funny, too. So full of mischief. Sparking laughter as often as she could.Sheldon: Did she have a hard time adjusting and adhering to the tighter social strictures of the time?Marcus: *laughs* What makes you think she adhered to them?Sheldon: *grins* You didn’t think she was odd?Marcus: Well, her speech was certainly odd. I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but the English language has changed a great deal since the early 13th century. Middle English would no doubt sound to you like a foreign language. But as for her other oddities . . . I rather liked that she was different. I was different myself, so I believe I saw her as something of a kindred spirit.Sheldon: *arches a brow* A rather bold kindred spirit?Marcus: *laughs again* Yes, but Robert loved that about her.Sheldon: What a bizarre pairing.Marcus: Yes, it was. One would think a medieval nobleman and a 21st century bounty hunter would fine no common ground. But they fell hard for each other. No one else would have made them as happy as they were together.Sheldon: Well, I know time is tight, so I’ll wait to ask you how Bethany went back in time in our next interview.Marcus: *shakes his head* You’re going to have to ask Seth that one.Sheldon: Dude, you know he won’t tell me.Marcus: *grins* Not my problem, I’m afraid.Sheldon: *sighs* Fine. Thanks again for the interview.Marcus: Anytime.
Character interviews are so much fun! It might be my favorite part of blog tours. ☺ Thank you for hosting Dianne today, I can't wait for y'all to read RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY - coming October 17th!
ReplyDeleteI've missed Sheldon :)
ReplyDeleteHi, Vanessa! The character interviews are what made me want to give Sheldon more face time in the Immortal Guardians books. :-)
DeleteI love all of the interviews! Id been hoping there would be a new one! ☺
ReplyDeleteHi, Sierra! So glad you like them. They're always such fun to write. :-)
DeleteSHELDON!! Love these interviews :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to give Sheldon his own book one of these days. :-)
DeleteCharacter interviews are always my favourites, they are so much fun :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you like them! They're so much fun to write. :-)
DeleteCharacter interviews are my favorite things to read. I always feel a connection with them before I even start the book. Thank you so much!