Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Review Round Up ~ July 24

TBR Reads

My rating: 5 of 5 stars - One of the Best

Oh my dragons!
I have had this sitting on my bookshelf for over a year - I literally bought this a birthday gift for myself in 2023 right after it came out, but because it was a hard back, it sat.
I am kicking myself for waiting so long!
Ms Yarros knocks this out of the park!
Great world building - check
Interesting characters- check
Mystery and intrigue - check
Well crafted drama - check
Dragons - check

I loved watching Violet’s evolution and that of the people around her. I am super curious about book 2 and can’t wait to dive into Iron Flame!


My rating: 4 of 5 stars - Worth a Reader's Time

Copy was purchased

Ms Duvall continues to deliver complex, entertaining paranormal romance with The Renegade Akseli Cyborg. This series installment follows Immortal Guardian Rachel as she is launched into space after the ship she travels on is attacked and what happens next - including finding a hidden planet of Cyborgs.
As always, the characters here are easy to like and root for. Ms Duvall does a wonderful job of making them and their fantastic situations relate to the reader. It's almost like you get to go along with their adventures. There is humor, friendship, action, and adventure all with the spice of budding romance too.
Rachel, Wonik (our Cyborg leading man), and the fantastic secondary cast where woven into a story that I didn't want to put down! This is a sequential book in the Aldebarian Alliance series, so I highly recommend reading these books for the best experience. The complicated back story is woven in here, but these books layer onto each other so well that they add to the richness by being read together. I am curious to see if more of the Earthlings in space will find their happy endings.


My rating: 3 of 5 stars - Average Read

This is a book that has been on my TBR for a while. It is a sweet read told from the heroine’s point of view.
Annie escaped a bad romantic situation at 20 and has built a good life for herself and her son. Two things happen in quick succession to turn that upside down.

It was sweet to see our hero, Drake, break his own rules to help Annie and her son. Combined with the community around them, this was a well-written evolution.

The big thing that kept this from being a 4-star read for me was the lack of Drake’s POV. Because we only see things from Annie’s side of the street, Drake’s conversion to romance seems very quick. I would have appreciated getting to be in his head a little too.

View all my reviews

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